Our Mission: Accelerate Medical Device Innovation To Bring Life-Saving Solutions To Children
The Medical Device Clinical Trials Unit (MDCTU) provides comprehensive and well-coordinated research services for pediatric medical device innovators in industry and academia. We can support projects across the entire product life cycle, with a special focus on discovery, clinical trials, and real-world data. With our access to expert medical providers and diverse pediatric populations, we aim to transform pediatric care and save lives through research and innovation.
Pathway to market; Device classification; Breakthrough Device Program and Safer Technologies Program
Feasibility assessment; Clinical study design; Site selection; PI engagement; Study populations identification
Protocol development; Consent forms; Investigator Brochure; IRB application; Drafting budgets and contracts
Facilitate official and unofficial meetings with the regulatory agency
Thank you for your interest in joining our team. While we currently do not have any open positions, we encourage you to check back regularly for updates. We look forward to the possibility of working together in the future!
Have any other questions? Please email us at info@ctipmedtech.org and we will be in touch as soon as possible.