CTIP Announces Health Equity FlexGrant Winners

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - March 11, 2024 – The Consortium for Technology & Innovation in Pediatrics (CTIP) announced the launch of its 2024 Health Equity FlexGrant, a limited grant opportunity with award amounts up to $10,000 to support pediatric medical device innovators who can apply or adapt their existing medical device to help address health inequities in pediatric care.

‍All companies who submitted a FlexGrant proposal must have met CTIP's existing requirements to receive support and were evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Potential impact on health inequity in children
  • Ability to address an unmet need by current available solutions
  • Scientific and clinical merit
  • Feasibility of achieving stated goals with requested funding
  • Sustainability of the proposed solution
  • Ability to enter the market in a timely manner

We were impressed by the response from medtech innovators developing pediatric devices that address systemic barriers in the healthcare system. Proposals included devices ranging from concept to commercial stage; the majority of submissions were in the early prototype and advanced prototype stage. 

Across the United States, many communities face health gaps that have only been magnified due to systemic and institutional barriers. Pediatric health in general is underfunded and under supported, which further exacerbates other inequities. Our Health Equity FlexGrants are one way that CTIP can incentivize, support, and amplify innovators who understand the importance of viewing healthcare through an equity lens, and in response, have designed technologies, partnerships, and business models that tackle these issues head on.

CTIP is proud to announce the four winners for the 2024 FlexGrants:

Now Vitals, Inc

Now Vitals’ device is an end-to-end platform for pediatric asthma management that transitions from hospital to home.


ProMedix Inc

ProMedix has developed "PeriFRL" - a noninvasive, peripheral blood flow monitor for early detection of septic shock.


LinkedIn: ProMedix Inc

Sonavi Labs

Developed by the world's leading acousticians, signal processing experts and mechanical engineers at Johns Hopkins University, Sonavi Labs was formed to deploy Feelix, the only FDA cleared, HIPAA compliant, user-friendly, Bluetooth enabled, remote monitoring platform embedded with state-of-the-art patented technology that uses clinically validated diagnostic AI software capable of detecting respiratory diseases and tracking longitudinal trends.


Facebook: Sonavi Labs Instagram: @sonavilabs LinkedIn: Sonavi Labs


WearableDose distinguishes itself in the cancer treatment landscape through its pioneering integration of wearable technology and machine learning for real-time, personalized radiation therapy optimization. 


Instagram: @WearableDose Twitter: WearableDose LinkedIn: WearableDose

For more updates from CTIP about pediatric MedTech follow us @ctipmedtech on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram, Consortium for Technology & Innovation in Pediatrics on LinkedIn, and the web at www.ctipmedtech.org

The Consortium for Technology & Innovation in Pediatrics (CTIP) is an FDA-funded pediatric MedTech accelerator centered at Lurie Children’s Hospital and Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Our goal is to facilitate the development, production, and distribution of pediatric medical devices by identifying companies working in the space and providing advice, networking, and direct and indirect financial support on the road to commercialization.

Contact us at info@ctipmedtech.org.